Untitled Story Project

This is where all the research, plotting, drawings, notes and whatnot for my current “Untitled Story Project” will be stored. Hopefully.



Some more recent, scribbly concept art of one of the main character’s, Sarah (Srash). She’s a competitive swimmer in high school, because I created her in high school and I was projecting super hard when I created her. The gray/black thing she’s wearing in the bottom is called a monofin, which are very cool. She also has webbed gloves.

Above: some fun sea creatures I made up that probably won’t make it into the final project. Doodled at work on a stray paper towel, eons ago.


More character design things for Sarah, from not-so-reecent times. Can’t date specifically, because I didn’t have the foresight to write dates on my work doodles.

If you can read it, the scribbled words underneath the weird-looking sea creature are “Sea Dragons”, aka Sarah’s high school mascot.






A collection of different doodles. There’s a bunch of different stuff thrown in here, but mostly its Sarah and Cas, and figuring out how illegal live merpeople shipments are done. I had this idea at one point to have regular-looking trucks on the outside, but they’re completely waterproof on the inside storage area. The top opens to load and unload merpeople, and the back door opens to reveal the shipment, sealed safely behind a thick, clear panel.

The other characters here are some mertwins I was working on designs for, and this weird Little Mermaid idea that I decided was just too creepy.


Character design for Eddi! She’s one of the first characters I made up for this world, and she’s probably one of my favorites to draw, even though half the time I forget what piercings she has. Her general wardrobe aesthetic is goth/punk/scene, and its ridiculously fun to make up outfits for her.

Other characters here are Cas (bottom right), and the unnamed merman (top right) I had Eddi rescuing when I first created her (not sure if he gets to stay in the completed project).




At the above left is me figuring out more merperson anatomy, including deciding whether they were going to have gills or not (they’re not). Above right was actual people-watching at the pool where I work, figuring out regular human anatomy. Because I can be bad at anatomy.

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